Levels Framework

The levels framework defines the scope of students as partners. At the moment only the partners and leadership levels can be recognized by credits.

Engagement of students as contributors, partners, and leaders
There are different levels of engagement in SaP with regard to students’ participation in activities.

  • Contributors

    • All students are contributors and are responsible, empathetic, and engaged contributors with their peers, teachers, hall, club, course, curriculum, faculty, university, and society
    • This relates to all aspects of engagement inside or outside of the classroom, with regard to individual activities, coursework completion, teamwork engagement, peer support/feedback, knowledge sharing/exchange, course feedback, hall life engagement, sports, and club activities, mentoring, tutoring, internships, electives, etc.
    • This is to promote and inculcate collegiality, respect, character, altruism, civic-mindedness, and social responsibility during their time at HKU and beyond
  • Partners

    • Students as Partners co-create, co-implement teaching, research or service activities outside of programme credits with a relative engagement level around 40:60 or 60:40 teacher: student.
  • Leadership

    • Leadership@HKU is the sustained learning, participation, reflection, and development of a student’s personal attributes and skills across a range of leadership activities and experiences that is defined and reported by personal reflection, achievements, self-evaluation, and demonstrable outcomes.