Students as Partners Community of Practice (SaP CoP)

Aims and objectives

  • Aim

    The development and implementation of “Students as Partners” (SaP) through a University-wide supporting Community of Practice (CoP) for education
  • Objectives

    • Share experiences of existing SaP projects through seminars
    • Compile a mapping document of existing SaPs across the university
    • Validate frameworks on “Process”, “Levels” and “Scope” for SaP implementation
    • Help engage/ support colleagues develop their own initiative on SaPs
    • Publish on SaP initiatives across the university
    • Evaluate outcomes of SaPs

SaP Definitions

Students as Partners (SaP) is an educational or experiential strategy designed to engage students, academics, professional services staff, and others both inside and outside of the University who will gain from the process of learning and working together.

The SaP is built on shared responsibility between students, faculty, and partners through collaboration, reciprocity, and measurable outcomes.

Students are offered or may initiate a participative agenda to contribute to education/ service /research conceptualization, decision-making, implementation, investigation, or evaluation of education/ service/research activities inside or outside of the classroom.

The SaP approach aims to transform institutional cultures and students’ learning or experiences by facilitating engagement and inducing a shift from passivity to agency.

This involves developing a meta-cognitive awareness among those involved about all aspects of learning, teaching, research, and service. This collaborative partnership will have multilevel benefits across a spectrum of activities for those engaged with the process and ultimately have meaningful and impactful outcomes in the broadest sense within and beyond the University.

  • Our definition of SaP

    Students as Partners (SaP) is an educational or experiential strategy designed to engage students, academics, professional services staff, and others both inside and outside of the University who will gain from the process of learning and working together.
  • How this is done

    The SaP is built on shared responsibility between students, faculty, and partners through collaboration, reciprocity, and measurable outcomes.

    Students are offered or may initiate a participative agenda to contribute to education/ service /research conceptualization, decision-making, implementation, investigation, or evaluation of education/ service/research activities inside or outside of the classroom.

  • Benefits of SaP

    The SaP approach aims to transform institutional cultures and students’ learning or experiences by facilitating engagement and inducing a shift from passivity to agency.

    This involves developing a meta-cognitive awareness among those involved about all aspects of learning, teaching, research, and service. This collaborative partnership will have multilevel benefits across a spectrum of activities for those engaged with the process and ultimately have meaningful and impactful outcomes in the broadest sense within and beyond the University.

SaP Framework

The SaP CoP has developed informative frameworks that serve as a guideline for designing, implementing, and recognizing Students as Partners initiatives. This framework encompasses the Scope, Process, and Levels of engagement, providing a structured approach for staff and students to effectively initiate and participate in SaP activities.

Credit Recognition

The Students as Partners credit recognition is facilitated by the HKU Horizons Office which supports out-of-classroom learning experiences. For more information please see:
Recognition of Out-of-classroom Learning Experiences – Credit Award Scheme
Below is an infographic that demonstrates the ways that credits can be awarded to Students as Partners in activities that are outside of the Credit-bearing parts of the curriculum.

Scope Framework

Levels Framework

Process Framework


Dr. Elizabeth Barrett

Professor Michael Botelho

Dr. Lisa Cheung

Dr. Mei Li Khong

Dr. Match WL Ko

Dr. Peter Fat Man Lau

Ms. Leung Kin Yi, Promail

Dr. Mandy R. Liu

Dr. Jack Tsao

Dr. Gloria Wong

Ms. Teenie Wong and
Ms. Helen Xiao

Project leader

Professor Michael Botelho

Faculty of Dentistry, HKU

Project coordinator

Ms. Trinity Jiao

Faculty of Dentistry, HKU

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