Dr. Lisa Cheung

Senior Lecturer,
Centre for Applied English Studies,
Room 6.25, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU


Preferred consultation times:
chat over coffee on Monday afternoons

Lisa has joined the Centre for Applied English Studies for over two decades. She is the recipient of the HKU Teaching Excellence Award (Individual) (2022) and the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, Faculty of Arts (2018-19).

She has been actively involved in the teaching of a range of postgraduate and undergraduate English enhancement courses on academic and professional communication and has extensive experience in developing corpus-based learning resources and their integration with classroom teaching.

Lisa led the Centre’s initiative on Students as Partners (2020-2022), which utilized HKU students’ expertise and experience as a student to contribute equally to ‘teaching and learning process’ and ‘enhancement of teaching and learning policy or practices’. A total of five projects were organized: three course-related projects and two project- or service-related ones. An impact framework was developed to measure the impact of CAES student partnership on student learning. Six core values of student partnership identified in the literature, including Autonomy, Commitment, Inclusivity, Partnership (or Collaboration), Empowerment, and Reciprocity, were incorporated into the framework to evaluate the benefits of student partnership on student learning.