Empowering Students: A Journey of Collaborative Success in Mathematics Animated Video Production

Dr. YM Chan, Department of Mathematics, HKU

The first meeting of our team

  • Introduction

Scenes from our regular meetings

The Manim Video Production Team, a collaborative endeavor between a group of HKU Science students and Dr. YM Chan, has achieved great success in creating engaging math animated videos through the Students-as-Partners (SaP) project. These captivating videos have been featured on various platforms, including the Department of Mathematics and HKU U-Vision.
  • Utilising Manim in Video Production

Demonstration of animation using Manim

Manim, a pioneering toolkit for generating animations through coding, has become an integral part of our video production process in the realm of mathematics educational videos. Through the extensive utilization of Manim, our production team has created a series of engaging videos for diverse purposes. The team holds regular weekly meetings to discuss video topics and content. Based on strengths and interests, tasks are assigned to team members to ensure a well-balanced workload and promote individual ownership. Clear roles and responsibilities help prioritise tasks and ensure efficient progress. Student-partners develop demos as prototypes, allowing the team to visualise the final product, refine ideas, and make informed decisions on the direction of the videos.
  • Successful Video Series

(Short video clips extracted from the original videos created by the team)

(Short video clips extracted from the original videos created by the team)

The Manim Video Production Team has created a series called titled “Maths in a minute,” aimed at introducing and exploring interesting mathematical concepts concisely in a concise time frame. Two examples of our outputs include “Venn Diagrams for 4 Sets” and “Visualizing the Geometric Series.” The former video was even broadcasted on HKU U-Vision, reaching a wide audience within the university community. Additionally, our team has contributed informative videos for HKU Information Day, providing valuable insights into the mathematics major and minor programs.

(Short video clips extracted from the original videos created by the team)

  • The Power of Students as Partners

Manim Task list serves as a record of our work. It contains the start date and the process of the task as well as the person in charge, etc.

The SaP approach involves students and staff collaborating as equals in the learning and decision-making process. In our Manim Video Production Team, SaP signifies a collective effort to create impressive math animated videos that engage and educate viewers. Each member contributes their unique skills and perspectives, combining mathematical expertise and technical proficiency to produce captivating educational content.
  • Benefits and Growth

Gathering between team members

Throughout this journey, our student partners have honed their mathematical presentation and storytelling abilities while developing expertise in utilizing Manim. The videos created serve as innovative learning resources that inspire teachers to incorporate animated videos into their courses. They also enhance students’ interest and overall learning experience. The collaborative nature of the project fosters a sense of ownership, empowerment, and mutual learning among the student partners. Experienced members also serve as mentors, creating a supportive environment for learning and growth.
  • Inviting Passionate Students

The project invites passionate students to join through personal invitation rather than a formal recruitment process. Students express interest after watching previously produced animated videos, which make abstract concepts more accessible and enjoyable. Motivated by their positive experiences, they aspire to contribute to the production process and make a lasting impact on future students.
  • Conclusion

The Manim Video Production Team has not only produced engaging math animated videos but has also nurtured valuable skills, relationships, and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Our journey exemplifies the success of Students as Partners and serves as an inspiration for educators seeking to foster similar collaborative initiatives.