Inter-institutional collaboration SaP project (HKUST, HKU and HKBU)
Co-Creating the Future of Education: A Student Partnership Project, led by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) and collaborated by HKU and Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), is an inter-institutional collaboration project supported by the UGC’s Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (2022-25 Triennium). This project aims to bring together the strengths of the partnering institutions to advance SaP in Hong Kong higher education. The five project objectives are:
- to innovate pedagogical models that equip students with future-ready competencies and skills through engaging students as partners to co-creating curricular and co-curricular courses and programs,
- to develop a student partnership resource hub to support the co-creation of innovative pedagogical models across institutions,
- to enhance professional development activities for engaging faculty and staff in productive partnership with students,
- to formulate standard protocols and frameworks to effectively evaluate the outcomes and provide insight into the student partnership initiatives, and
- to establish a Community of Practice on Student Partnership to share effective practices supporting student partnership within and across institutions.
Project team

Dr Beatrice Chu
Center for Education Innovation, HKUST
Students as Partners SaP@HKU
Dr Peter Lau
Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre, HKU
Students as Partners SaP@HKU
Dr King Chong
Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning, HKBU
Students as Partners SaP@HKU
Dr Angela Tse
General Education Office, HKBU
Students as Partners SaP@HKU