Dr. Gloria Wong

Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration
524 The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU


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Gloria is from the Faculty of Social Sciences. She has studied at the Faculty of Arts and Medicine dating back to 1996. She is the vice-chair of Wellness@HKU, a student-staff partnership in university mental wellbeing.

In her teaching, research, and service in mental health, she has been collaborating with students. These include student consultations for revising course content and materials for an undergraduate course, co-designing with undergraduate students a 2021 HKU student mental health survey, involvement of HKU students as key members in organizing committee of the International Youth Mental Health Conference of LevelMind@JC in 2022, and co-creation of a Student Chapter in the U21 University Mental Health Group. She is overseeing a new development (Project W2) to empower students to develop and implement whole-person development and wellness in HKU.