Dr. Leung Kin Yi, Promail

Director, School-University Partnerships, Faculty of Education
Specialism Co-ordinator, Master of Education Teaching of Science in an International Context
Senior Lecturer, Academic Unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership
Room 315, Runme Shaw Building
Faculty of Education, HKU


Preferred consultation times:
any time when not teaching with good coffee

Promail Leung, a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, has two decades of hands-on teaching and leadership experience. She joined HKU in 2017 and has been actively involved in various initiatives, such as the government-funded Students as Partners project, to support the science/STEAM teaching community. Promail shared her practice, “Students as Partners Beyond the Classroom: Practice to Promote Employability and Community Engagement,” at the Students as Partners: Community of Practice Seminar.

In 2021, Promail launched a fund-supported Experiential Learning course and collaborated with students to develop innovative solutions for the creative problem-solving competition “Odyssey of the Mind (OM™)” at the virtual USA World Final. One of the teams won 4th place in Problem 2 (Virtual Odyssey), and another team won 3rd place in Problem 3 (OMER and the Beanstalk) in the competition. She also conducts seminars and workshops with students for local teaching communities, further promoting her commitment to education and community engagement.