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Thursday 13 February 2025
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Using Videos to Promote Teacher Learning

Date & Time : 27 July 2020 2:15pm - 4:15pm
Venue : Zoom
Discussant : Ada Lee (CETL, Programme Leader: Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education)

In this webinar, Nicole will be discussing her recent experimentation with the use of video feedback and her reflections based on students’ reactions to the feedback and how this has impacted on their own video re-enactment of a feedback-giving episode as part of a subsequent assessment task. Kennedy will share his learning from his recent Teaching Development Grant project on how to use innovative video technologies to promote pre-service teacher learning to notice and interpret classroom interactions. Specifically, he will be discussing his experimentation with the use of multiple cameras to capture pre-service teachers’ approximations of responsive teaching moves in teaching rehearsals.

You are most welcome to register via http://webapps.edu.hku.hk/event/reg20200727.php by 22 July (Wednesday). The Zoom link will be sent to registrants by email nearer the event date.