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Thursday 13 March 2025
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COIL Seminar Series

COIL Seminar Series
Organised by Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC)

Series Abstract

As part of the initiatives to promote internationalisation in the curriculum, TALIC is running a series of seminars on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) in April and May 2024.

COIL is an innovative pedagogical approach that enables teachers and students from different geographical and linguacultural regions to engage in collaborative teaching and learning through online technology, with a view to providing a transformative, cross-cultural and transnational learning experience.

With invited speakers from The University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Newcastle University, Monash University and Sungkyunkwan University, the seminar series will share pedagogical tips and experiences on how to develop new COIL courses at undergraduate (Ug) and taught postgraduate (TPg) levels, as well as how to adapt existing courses to form COIL courses.

For a brief introduction to COIL, please watch this video.

[11 Apr 2024] 1.Seminar | Planning your first COIL course: How to get started?
1. Seminar | Planning your first COIL course: How to get started?

Date : 11 Apr 2024 (Thu)
Time : 12:00pm – 1:00pm (HKT)
Venue : Learning Lab, RRS 321 Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU
Speaker : Dr. Jessica To, Lecturer, TALIC, HKU


Internationalisation of teaching and learning is one of the priority areas of HKU’s strategic development. As the first event of our seminar series, this session will introduce participants to Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), explain the COIL pedagogy, and provide advice on planning a COIL course. Case studies of collaborative teaching and learning will also be discussed.

About the speakers

Dr. Jessica To
Dr. Jessica To is a Lecturer at Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre, The University of Hong Kong. She earned her Doctor of Education degree from Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong where she developed expertise in higher education pedagogy and assessment for learning. Upon graduation, she has accumulated rich teaching and research experience in Hong Kong and Singapore. She was awarded the Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award (Team) for her productive use of exemplars in developing students’ understanding of assessment standards. With her passionate advocate for innovative teaching and learning, she involved in various teaching development grant projects, in her capacity as Principal Investigator and Co-investigator, at National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University and The University of Hong Kong. Her publications appear in prestigious peer-reviewed journals such as Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, Higher Education Research and Development, and Teaching in Higher Education.
[2 May 2024] 2.Sharing Session | Structuring a COIL course: From start to finish
2. Sharing Session | Structuring a COIL course: From start to finish
This session is co-organised by Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) and Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).

Date : 2 May 2024 (Thu)
Time : 12:30pm – 2:00pm (HKT) | 1:30pm – 3:00pm (Korea time)
Venue : Zoom
Speakers :

  • Ms. Nicole J. Tavares, Senior Lecturer, Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, HKU
  • Dr. Jim Chan, Lecturer in TESOL, School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University
  • Dr. Ray Hartman, Assistant Professor, Sungkyunkwan University
Facilitator : Dr. Jessica To, Lecturer, TALIC, HKU

As the second event of the COIL seminar series, this session invites academics with rich experience in COIL to share how they looked for overseas collaborators, developed a shared curriculum, and assessed student learning outcomes. With speakers from the University of Hong Kong, Newcastle University and Sungkyunkwan University, this event will feature COIL implementation in the fields of language education and international relations.
[This Zoom session will be open to the colleagues of HKU and SKKU.]

About the speakers

Nicole Tavares
Nicole Tavares (FHEA) is a Senior Lecturer in the academic unit of Language and Literacy Education at the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong and MA(TESOL) Programme Director. Her expertise is in English language teaching (ELT) methodology, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and teacher professional development (TPD). She has received multiple teaching awards, notably the HKU Teaching Innovation Award (2020), her Faculty’s Emergency Remote Teaching Award (2020), and the HKU Outstanding Teaching Award (2015).
Nicole’s research interests range from ELT and CLIL to online teaching and learning, technology-enhanced ELT good practices, E-learning platforms and technological tools for promoting TPD, 21st-Century Skills, and COIL. Her work has been published in Computers & Education, Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism and RELC Journal.
Jim Y.H. Chan
Jim Y.H. Chan is a Lecturer in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University. Before he moved to the UK, he was an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong. He began his career as a secondary school Chemistry and English teacher. His research interests include English as a lingua franca, global Englishes, language use, attitudes and identities, ELT material design, phonology, bilingual education, language-in-education policy, and TESOL pedagogy and assessment. Some of his recent work has been published in TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching Research, World Englishes, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Language and Education, System, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Journal of English as a Lingua Franca and Asian Englishes.
Ray Hartman
Ray Hartman is an Assistant Professor at Sungkyunkwan University where he has taught for nearly two decades. During his tenure there, he has received both university-wide and inter-departmental recognition for his teaching and commitment to students. On occasion, Dr. Hartman has been invited to give workshops regarding pedagogical approaches in the classroom. Aside from his love of teaching, his research interests include Chinese foreign policy, international security, and war. His recent monograph, Self-Reflections of Fears and Dreams: Political Legitimacy and Strategic Thinking among Chinese Communist Party Leaders, 1927-1953, examines the role political legitimacy played in shaping the CCP’s military strategy in its early years.
[13 May 2024] 3.Panel Discussion | Fostering internationalisation and intercultural exchanges in the COIL curriculum
3. Panel Discussion | Fostering internationalisation and intercultural exchanges in the COIL curriculum
This session is co-organised by Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) and Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).

Date : 13 May 2024 (Monday)
Time : 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm (HKT) | 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm (Korea Time)
Venue : Zoom
Discussion panel :

  • Professor Vivian Lee, Associate Professor, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Professor Jina Ro, Associate Professor, Department of Education, Sungkyunkwan University
  • Dr. Shani Tobias, Lecturer in Translation Studies and Education Coordinator of the Monash Intercultural Lab, Monash University
Facilitator : Dr. Jessica To, Lecturer, TALIC, HKU

As the third event of the COIL seminar series, this panel discussion revolves around internationalisation and intercultural exchanges in the COIL curriculum. The facilitator will initially invite seasoned COIL practitioners from the disciplines of pharmacy, education, and literary and cultural translation to talk about how they developed students’ intercultural awareness in their respective programmes. Following their invaluable sharing, all participants are welcome to join the open discussion and exchange perspectives.
[This Zoom session will be open to the colleagues of HKU and SKKU.]

About the discussion panel

Vivian Lee
Vivian Lee is currently an Associate Professor of the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Lee received her Bachelor of Sciences degree in Biochemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in the School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California (USC). Her specialty is in clinical pharmacy on cardiovascular medicine. She is also a certified Specialist by the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties (US) in Pharmacotherapy and added qualification in cardiology pharmacotherapy. She is also the fellow of the Hong Kong College of Pharmacy Practice and the senior fellow of the United Kingdom Higher Education Academy.
Jina Ro
Jina Ro is an Associate Professor at the Department of Education, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). She received her PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Boston College. Before joining SKKU, she was an assistant professor and postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. Her research interests involve curriculum studies, teacher education, educational change and qualitative research methods. Her work has been presented in several reputable journals, including Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of Curriculum Studies and Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice.
Shani Tobias
Shani Tobias is a Lecturer in Translation Studies and Education Coordinator of the Monash Intercultural Lab at Monash University. She has published in the fields of literary and cultural translation, as well as translator and interpreter pedagogy and professional development. She is a member of the online intercultural exchange research cluster at Monash and has collaborated with Dr Martin Ward from the University of Leeds on a COIL project since 2021. Research findings from this project will be published in a chapter of the forthcoming Routledge volume Teaching Translation: Contexts, Modes and Technologies. Shani is also a NAATI-certified translator (Japanese-English) with over 20 years of professional translation experience.

For information, please contact:
Ms. Miffy Leung, TALIC
Phone: 3917 8996; Email: miffylhy@hku.hk