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Wednesday 12 March 2025
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Co-host Seminar with Department of Mathematics: Demonstration of Gradescope, an AI-assisted grading tool

Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme Seminar – Grants for overseas reciprocal visits through 'Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme'

Co-organized by Department of Mathematics and Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC)

Details of the Seminar:
Date : 13 December 2024 (Friday)
Time : 10:30am – 11:45am
Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speakers :
Dr. Law Ka Ho, Associate Head of Department (Teaching and Learning), Department of Mathematics, HKU
Dr. Vindya Bhat, Demonstrator, Department of Mathematics, HKU
Dr. Marian Choy, Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKU
Facilitator: Dr. Jessica To, Lecturer, TALIC, HKU

Would you like to give personalised feedback to a large class of students in a fraction of the time you currently spend grading?

Traditionally, grading in large classes can be a tedious task, not to mention giving individualised feedback to students. In this semester, the speakers have tried using the “Gradescope” platform in several mathematics courses. It is an AI-assisted grading platform which is capable of grouping similar answers together and allows feedback to be given to each group for each question. As a result, the accuracy and efficiency of grading can be greatly enhanced, and students are able to receive timely and individualised feedback to each question. Students have given very positive comments about the platform.

With a funding support from the Faculty of Science, we will subscribe to a “pilot” version of the platform next semester. This would allow all teachers in HKU to use the system. In this seminar, the speakers will introduce and demonstrate the functions of Gradescope, for colleagues who may find the tool useful in their teaching next semester.

For information, please contact:
Ms. Miffy Leung, TALIC
Phone: 3917 8182; Email: miffylhy@hku.hk