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Monday 10 March 2025
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Join-the-Conversation – Save a thousand words: Developing students’ visual communication literacy

Postponed. New date to be announced.
Details of the workshop:
Date : 21 November 2019 (Thursday) Postponed. New date to be announced.
Time : 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Venue : Seminar Room, G/F, Main Library, HKU
Speaker : Dr. Benjamin Iaquinto, Ms. Jessie Chow, and Dr. Larry Baum
Facilitator : Dr. Tracy Zou (CETL), Dr. Michelle Raquel (CAES), and Mr. Simon Boynton (CAES)
Organiser : Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Centre for Applied English Studies, and the Common Core

‘The fantasy of a pictorial turn, of a culture totally dominated by images, has now become a real technical possibility on a global scale.’ (Mitchell, 1994, p.15)

Both our academic and personal lives nowadays are filled with images and graphics. The ability to communicate effectively using various visual modes and tools can significantly enhance the quality of our communication and widen its reach. Perhaps it is time for us to consider going beyond the usual focus on writing and speaking in academic training and embed the development of visual communication literacy in our courses. The three speakers have systematically incorporated visual literacy into their courses through setting the relevant intended learning outcomes, providing students with opportunities for practice, and assessing this literacy formally. Their courses have been reviewed/badged as Communication-intensive Courses (CiC) with visual literacy highlighted. In this event, the speakers will introduce their conceptions of visual literacy and talk about what they do in their courses to help students produce an effective visual.

For more information about the CiC initiative, please see here: https://cics.hku.hk/

About the speakers
Dr. Ben Iaquinto is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography, University of Hong Kong. His research interests are in tourism geography, cultural geography, mobilities and sustainable tourism. He is particularly interested in how a low carbon tourism industry can be developed in the context of climate change and the erratic planetary transformations associated with the onset of the Anthropocene. His research has appeared in a range of international geography and tourism journals and he is a Steering Committee member of AusMob, the Australian Mobilities Research Network.

Ms. Jessie M.L. Chow is a Lecturer (experiential learning) in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong where she has been instrumental in the establishment of local and overseas experiential learning projects across undergraduate and postgraduate teacher education programmes. She is a trained teacher and educational psychologist with extensive experience in working with schools and NGOs, and organising service-learning projects. Three of her EL courses have been badged as communication-intensive courses, which focus on developing students’ visual, written, and oral literacies.

Dr. Larry Baum is a research officer in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. After earning a PhD in Neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, he has conducted research on biochemistry, genetics, and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and other diseases. He has taught both the lectures and tutorials for the Common Core course CCGL9042, The Evolution of Civilization, for several years. At scientific conferences, he often presented his research as posters, a common conference format because they efficiently and quickly convey key messages. For this reason, in 2016 he began assigning students to use posters instead of essays or slides for their final presentations.

Staff and invited guests only.

For information, please contact:
Mr. Thomas Lau , CETL
Phone: 3917 4807; Email: kanclau@hku.hk​