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Thursday 13 March 2025
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HKU Teaching and Learning Fellow Sharing Seminar

HKU Teaching and Learning Fellow Sharing Seminar
Organised by Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre

Details of the Event:

Date : 15 January 2025 (Wednesday)
Time : 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speakers :

  • Dr. Vincent Tam, Principal Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
  • Ms. Nicole J. Tavares, Senior Lecturer, Academic Unit of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education
  • Dr. Dana Vackova, Principal Lecturer, School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Jian Yang, Principal Lecturer, School of Biochemical Sciences, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine

Facilitator : Dr. Jannie Roed, Director, TALIC



Under the aegis of the University Grant’s Committee’s (UGC) Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) initiative, the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) in collaboration with Faculty Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) and the Director of the Common Core have been launching the HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows programme. In this seminar, four HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows will share the work carried out in the faculty as a result of the secondment to TALIC.

About the Speakers

Dr. Vincent Tam
Dr. Vincent Tam is a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. He teaches a General Engineering course as well as core/elective courses in Computer Engineering.

Vincent was awarded with the Faculty Best Teacher Award (2010), Faculty Outstanding Teaching (Team) Award (2013), Faculty Outstanding Teaching (Individual) Award (2017), the Faculty Outstanding Teaching (Team) Award (2019) in HKU. In addition, he was awarded with the Fellowship (FHEA) of the AdvanceHE (formerly as the Higher Education Academy) in 2019, and has been serving as both the mentor and reviewer for the HKU Advance HE Fellowship Scheme since 2020.

His research interests include artificial intelligence, e-learning, learning analytics, mobile computing, and information visualization.

Ms. Nicole Tavares
Ms. Nicole Tavares (FHEA) is Senior Lecturer in the academic unit of Language and Literacy Education at the Faculty of Education. She teaches on BA&BEd, PGDE, MEd and MA programmes, specialising in English language teaching (ELT) methodology and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). She is currently MA(TESOL) Programme Director.

Nicole has published on COIL, online teaching and learning, 21st-century skills, using educational technologies to promote teacher development, good ELT and CLIL practices, and Interactive Assessment.

Nicole has received multiple teaching awards, notably the HKU Teaching Innovation Award (2020), her Faculty’s Emergency Remote Teaching Award (2020), and HKU Outstanding Teaching Award (2015). She is keen on experimenting with innovative pedagogies and is acknowledged for her creative design of collaborative activities that maximise student voice. She enjoys professional dialogues with educators on how research informs practice and has initiated several professional development activities within her Faculty and beyond.

Dr. Dana Vackova
Dr. Dana Vackova, MD, MBA, FHKAM, FHKCCM, SFHEA is a Principal Lecturer at the School of Public Health (SPH) in the LKS Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong (HKUMed). She is a coordinator of the HKUMed’s MBBS Enrichment Year (EY) Humanitarian Services, member of the EY committee, BIMHSE Taskforce for Inter-professional education and a member of the HKUMed Clinical Curriculum Reform committee. She is responsible for coordinating SPH undergraduate courses, planning and developing the MBBS curriculum, and managing SPH MBBS courses and Interprofessional Education (IPE). She developed MBBS courses such as interdisciplinary HRP, Occupational Medicine, Challenges in Health Care Management and online Induction course for EY students.

Dr Vackova received grants for medical education research and presented her research results at the international medical education conferences. She is an author of many cases for MBBS Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and case studies for MBBS students.

Dr Vackova is a Fellow of the Hong Kong College of Community Medicine, HKAM (Community Medicine) and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Dr. Jian Yang
Dr. Jian Yang graduated from Peking University Health Science Center and went on to pursue a PhD in neuroscience at University of Bristol. He joined the Department of Anatomy, the University of Hong Kong after graduation in 2007, and has devoted his passion to anatomy and histology education since 2012. He is now a Principal Lecturer in the School of Biomedical Sciences, lead in anatomy education, Coordinator of HKU Body Donation Programme, Deputy Director of Education Technology, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU, and Vice Chairman of Research and Development Subcommittee, Jockey Club Institute for Medical Education and Development.

He dedicates his effort to converting instructional anatomy and histology classes into indispensable active-learning experiences. His research focuses on integrating digital/mobile technology to enhance active learning in anatomy and histology labs. He is now leading the Virtual Reality Anatomy Lab and the TechMezz learning space. The current projects include creating digital active learning and peer learning platform and integrating VR-enriched tasks (VRETs) into gross anatomy classroom.


For information, please contact:
Ms. Canice Mok, TALIC
Phone: 3917 6069; Email: tsmok@hku.hk