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Tuesday 11 March 2025
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Linking Research and Teaching: Opportunities for Students and Academics

Organized by
Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the workshop:
Date : 16 August, 2016 (Tuesday)
Time : 12:45 – 2:00pm
Venue : Room 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building (Main Campus), HKU
Speaker : Dr. Vincent Tong, Principal Teaching Fellow (Connected Curriculum), University College London Centre for Advancing Learning and Teaching
Facilitator : Dr. Cecilia Chan, Head of Professional Development, Associate Professor, CETL


The Connected Curriculum is an institution-wide initiative that aims to ensure that all students at University College London (UCL) are able to learn through participating in enquiry and research at all levels of their programme of study. Creating an inclusive research and learning community is at the heart of the initiative, and we aim to equip students to address interdisciplinary challenges and to explore critically the values and practices of global citizenship. As part of the Connected Curriculum, we address a wide range of diversity issues in higher education curricula. In this presentation, I discuss how academics have been engaging students as partners in their education as co-producers of knowledge at UCL and beyond. I will also outline the rationale behind the R=T (Research equals Teaching) Consortium, in which students and research professors with international profiles in education work together to inspire academics and other students to bring research and teaching closer together.

About the Speaker:

Dr Vincent Tong
Principal Teaching Fellow (Connected Curriculum)

Dr Vincent C H Tong is the strategic lead for the Connected Curriculum and the R=T Consortium at University College London (UCL). Apart from working on research-based education at the UCL Centre for Advancing Learning and Teaching, he is a geophysicist based in the Department of Earth Sciences. Vincent is the UCL Principal Investigator of a major UK-led international research consortium linking geology and oceanography. He has first degrees in physics (Imperial College London) and in humanities (Open University), as well as a PhD in geophysics (University of Cambridge).

For information, please contact:
Ms. Noranda Zhang , CETL
Phone: 3917 4729; Email: noranda@hku.hk​