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Thursday 13 March 2025
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Enhancing Student Learning and Engagement with the use of Visual Media and through the Rich Tapestry of Story-telling

Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the workshop:
Date : 4 June, 2018 (Monday)
Time : 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Venue : Room 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building (Main Campus)
Speaker : Dr. Natalie Skead, Ms. Vicci Lau
Facilitator : Dr. Cecilia Chan, Head of Professional Development, Associate Professor, HKU

Problem-based learning is widely accepted as an effective evidenced-based method for teaching and assessing in higher education. Typically problem-based learning is organised around a neat written hypothetical problems focussing on a single particular issue. While, the written hypothetical is an effective and appropriate tool, it has its limitations. In life, it is rare for problems to present neatly in written form. More usually, real problems are complex and messy and presented in a variety of media. In this presentation, I examine the effective use of visual media at both a micro- and macro-level in problem-based learning at The University of Western Australia. Although the focus of the presentation is on teaching in law, the underlying pedagogy of using visual media in teaching applies across disciplines.

About the Speakers
Dr. Natalie Skead

Associate Professor Natalie Skead joined the Law School at The University of Western Australia in 2002. She was appointed Dean and Head of School in 2017.

Natalie’s principal teaching areas are Property, Land Law and Equity and Trusts. She completed her doctorate on the proprietary implications of Australian proceeds of crime legislation. She is a prolific researcher with an extensive publication record in these areas as well as Remedies, Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime, Natural Resources and Legal Education, and has received a number of government and industry research grants.

Natalie has been the recipient of several School, Faculty and University teaching awards and in 2017 was honoured with an Australian Award for University Teaching Excellence from the Federal Minister of Education and Training. She is the Associate Editor of the Legal Education Review, a member of the editorial committee of the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and an Executive Member of the Australasian Law Teachers Association.

Prior to joining the academy, Natalie practiced as a solicitor specialising in Corporate Finance, Commercial Litigation, Property and Securities.

Ms Vicci Lau

Vicci Lau is a senior lecturer of the Department of Professional Legal Education, Faculty of Law at the University of Hong Kong. She is the co-course coordinator of Drafting Commercial Agreements and Listed Companies of the Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL) programme. She has spoken in various seminars sharing her teaching and learning practices. Vicci was given the Faculty of Law Outstanding Teaching Award in 2017. Before joining the University in 2012, she was a practising solicitor in a leading investment bank in Hong Kong.

For information, please contact:
Ms. Noranda Zhang , CETL
Phone: 3917 4729; Email: noranda@hku.hk​