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Thursday 13 February 2025
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Effective Approaches to Partnering with Students


Organised by Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning (CETL)

Details of the workshop:
Date : 4 October 2019 (Friday)
Time : 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Venue : RR321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus
Speaker : Dr. Chris Deneen, Senior Lecturer in Higher Education Curriculum and Assessment, University of Melbourne
Facilitator : Dr. Tracy Zou, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU

Partnering with students positions them as change agents in their own learning. This approach has potential to produce significant benefits at subject, degree program and institutional levels. Partnering with students, however requires careful planning and consideration. How ready are students to act as change agents? How should we set the scope and focus of the partnership? How can we understand and evaluate the outcomes of our partnerships?

This seminar aims to address these questions through exploring two case studies in student partnership. The first case involves Singaporean PGDE students’ deep engagement with the redevelopment and running of a school leadership subject. The second case examines an ongoing project in University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Business and Economics involving students’ development of rubrics and video exemplars for subject assessment tasks.

The seminar will focus on lessons learned and adoptable approaches. How students as partners approaches integrate within University of Melbourne’s large-scale development initiative, FlexAP will also be discussed.

About the speaker
Chris is a senior lecturer in higher education curriculum and assessment with The Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education at University of Melbourne. His work focuses on the understanding and provision of effective learning engagements in universities. Chris has held several higher education positions in the culturally diverse contexts of New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia. He is the recipient of multiple awards for innovation and excellence in teaching practice.

Chris’ research focuses on innovative approaches to higher education assessment. He is especially interested in assessment change management and assessment-enabling technologies. He has authored 37 publications on assessment-related topics and has received over 2.5 million AUD in external research funding. His latest, upcoming publication in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education examines how undergraduates use self- and peer feedback in developing teamwork competencies.

For information, please contact:
Mr. Thomas Lau , CETL
Phone: 3917 4807; Email: kanclau@hku.hk​