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HKU Teaching and Learning Fellow Sharing Seminar

HKU Teaching and Learning Fellow Sharing Seminar
Organised by Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre

Details of the Event:

Date : 5 December 2023 (Tuesday)
Time : 12:30pm – 2:00pm
Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speaker :

  • Dr. Hui Chen, Clinical Assistant Professor, Faculty of Dentistry
  • Dr. Tim Gruenewald, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts
  • Dr. Carrie K.W. Li, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Dr. Rachel Ka Wai Lui, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Science
  • Mr. Mathew Pryor, Associate Professor of Teaching, Faculty of Architecture
  • Ms. Nicole J. Tavares, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education

Facilitator : Dr. Jannie Roed, Senior Lecturer, TALIC, HKU



Under the aegis of the University Grant’s Committee’s (UGC) Virtual Teaching and Learning (VTL) initiative, the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) in collaboration with Faculty Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) and the Director of the Common Core have been launching the HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows programme. In this seminar, six HKU Teaching and Learning Fellows will share the work carried out in the faculty as a result of the secondment to TALIC.

About the Speakers

Dr. Chen Hui obtained the Bachelor-Master Integrated Degree in Dentistry from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2013, PhD and Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics from the University of Sydney in 2017 and 2020, respectively, and the Membership of Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) in Prosthodontics in 2020. She is the member of Australian Prosthodontic Society, International College of Prosthodontists, and International Team of Implantology. Dr Chen is passionate about teaching and has been actively involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching since she joined the faculty. She also gives lectures to dentists both locally and internationally.
Dr. Tim Gruenewald researches and teaches US cultural and visual studies with a focus on popular culture, including virtual reality, film, television, graphic narrative, and museum exhibitions. His research investigates how narrative construction of contested pasts intersects with the imagination of collective identities in the present. He is currently working on a UGC funded research project on virtual reality film. During the pandemic, he has taught a virtual field trip course to the United States twice using VR headsets.
Dr. Carrie Li is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Work and Social Administration. She was trained as a psychologist and feminist criminologist. Having a multi-disciplinary background, Dr. Li is passionate about re-thinking pedagogy to enhance students’ cross-disciplinary learning.

Dr. Li studies intimate partner violence across cultural contexts and recently expands her research to Chinese society. Her approach to research is to use quantitative, qualitative, and experimental methods, as well as multiple theoretical frameworks to answer important questions about factors, patterns, etiology, intervention, and policy related to intimate partner violence and interpersonal violence. Dr. Li also takes a feminist and intersectionality approach to create knowledge for women, vulnerable, and marginalized populations.

Dr. Li’s recent work has appeared in top journals, including Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Violence Against Women, and Family Process. Dr. Li is the winner of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences graduate student paper award. Her work has been recognized by three Research Scholars Award from the College of Social Science and a Disciplinary Leadership Award from the Council of Graduate Students at Michigan State University. Dr. Li is also a recipient of two International Peace Scholarship and a Criminal Justice Community Psychology Scholarship.

Dr. Rachel Lui is currently a Senior Lecturer and serves as an Assistant Dean in e-learning at the Faculty of Science. She actively experimented with different teaching tools such as flipped classroom and gamification, and has received numerous Teaching Development Grants. Her major goal is to equip her students with quantitative skills because Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are both crucial in society.

Rachel has won multiple awards in her teaching career. She, together with her colleagues, received the Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award in 2014, the Faculty Award for Teaching Innovations in E-learning in 2016, and the Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence in 2021. In addition, she received the University Outstanding Teaching Award in 2022. In 2019, she achieved the status of Senior Fellow of Advance HE (SFHEA).

Dr. Mathew Pryor is an Associate Professor (Teaching) within HKU’s Faculty of Architecture. He teaches Design Studio as well as technical courses in Landscape & Ecology and Sustainable Development.

In addition to the HKU University Distinguished Teacher Award (2021), he has received awards for teaching excellence and innovation from the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (USA), the University Grants Council HK, and Hong Kong University.

His pedagogical research examines the student experience in design studio and enhancing teaching performance through peer observation. He is co-author of Curios, an award-winning virtual learning management system that facilitates online teaching and makes students online learning social, visible, and sharable.

Ms. Nicole Tavares (FHEA) is Senior Lecturer in the academic unit of Teacher Education and Learning Leadership at the Faculty of Education. She teaches on BA&BEd, PGDE, MEd and MA programmes, specialising in English language teaching (ELT) methodology and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). She is currently MA(TESOL) Programme Director and Coordinator of her Faculty’s English Language Proficiency Tests, a graduation requirement for all BA&BEd(LangEd)s.

Nicole has published in the areas of online teaching and learning, 21st century skills, using educational technologies in promoting teacher development, good ELT and CLIL practices, and Interactive Assessment.

Nicole has received multiple teaching awards, notably the HKU Teaching Innovation Award (2020), her Faculty’s Emergency Remote Teaching Award (2020), and HKU Outstanding Teaching Award (2015). She is keen on experimenting with innovative pedagogies and acknowledged for her creative design of collaborative activities that maximise student voice. She enjoys professional dialogues with educators on how research informs practice and has initiated several professional development activities within her Faculty and beyond.


For information, please contact:
Ms. Canice Mok, TALIC
Phone: 3917 6069; Email: tsmok@hku.hk