Organized by Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC)
Two Teaching Excellence Awards Workshops will be offered. The workshops are open to all teaching staff who are interested in finding out more about the different Teaching Excellence Awards and will include an overview of the Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) Scheme. Some TEA winners will be available for consultations in the second workshop scheduled in October.

Time : 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Speaker: Prof. Lillian Luk, Assistant Professor, TALIC, HKU
Staff will be provided with an overview of the award schemes, the key selection criteria, and some suggestions on preparing an evidence-based teaching portfolio. This workshop is an informal workshop, giving teachers a time and space to ask questions about the teaching awards. Staff who are thinking about making an application in the next round are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop. Staff who are not sure, or would simply like to know more about the scheme, are also very welcome.

Time : 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)
Facilitator: Prof. Lillian Luk, Assistant Professor, TALIC, HKU
In this sharing session, three Teaching Excellence Award (TEA) winners – Dr. John Fung, Dr. Enoch Chan and Ms. Susanne Elisabeth Trumpf will share with us their experience of applying for the award and their journey after winning the award. In addition, the TEA winners will be available for private consultations after the sharing. Each time slot will be 10 minutes long.
About the presenters:

Prior to joining HKUMed, Dr Chan completed his PhD in Pathology at University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney), Australia, with a focus on cardiovascular diseases. He subsequently worked as a Biomedical Educational Developer at UNSW Sydney. Since beginning his teaching career at HKUMed, Dr Chan has been teaching Physiology for multiple undergraduate programmes offered by LKS Faculty of Medicine, while coordinating various educational technology and “Student in Medical and Health Sciences Education” (SIMHSE) initiatives within the Faculty.
In addition to his prior training in Biomedical Sciences, Dr Chan also completed PgCert in Digital Education at University of Edinburgh, and he is now undertaking postgraduate studies in Medical Education at University of Dundee.