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Saturday 22 February 2025
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Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme Seminar – The applicability of enquiry-based learning beyond medical education: experiences shared from UQ

Teaching Exchange Fellowship Scheme Seminar – The applicability of Enquiry-based learning beyond medical education: experiences shared from UQ

Organised by the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC)

Details of the workshop:
Date : 30 May 2024 (Thursday)
Time : 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Venue : Learning Lab, Room 321, 3/F Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU
Speaker : Ms. Jody Chu, Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, HKU
Facilitator : Prof. Luke Fryer, Assistant Director, TALIC, HKU

Enquiry-based learning describes a method of teaching and learning based on self-directed enquiry by the student, it has the potential to be applied to a variety of courses and programs. In this upcoming seminar, Ms. Jody Chu will be sharing her experience and insights gained from University of Queensland, with a particular focus on the application of enquiry-based learning as part of a curriculum revamp. Furthermore, Jody will discuss the importance of considering a suitable balance between in-person and e-learning under the umbrella of enquiry-based learning. By incorporating UQ’s expertise and understanding the challenges during their execution of enquiry-based learning during curriculum revamp, this seminar offers an opportunity for discussion of how self-directed learning can be encouraged and facilitated in our curriculum for higher education.

About the Speaker
Ms. Jody Chu is a senior lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology at The University of Hong Kong (HKU). She received her BPharm and Master of Clinical Pharmacy degree at The University of South Australia and worked as a clinical pharmacist before joining HKUMed in 2013. Ms. Chu has over a decade of teaching experience for both undergraduate and postgraduate students at HKU and other Australian tertiary institutions. Ms. Chu received the University Early Career Teaching Award in 2017 and served as principle investigators and co-investigators in a number of teaching development grants (TDG) to enhance student learning in medical education. Ms. Chu is a Fellow in the Advanced HE serving both as mentor and reviewer for the HKU community.

For information, please contact:
Ms. Canice Mok, TALIC
Phone: 3917 6069; Email: tsmok@hku.hk​